This morning we leave lovely Yamba and it's laid back lifestyle. Everyone here from the kids of all ages in the street are friendly and well mannered the storekeepers are helpful and chatty if you want to strike up a conversation. The general ambiance of the business area is delightfully stress free and the traffic is steady and courteous to pedestrians. I understand that the population here grows dramatically during holiday seasons increasing from a resident 8000 to somewhere in the order of 30000. Like Noosa I suspect the depreciation of amenity is directly proportional at these times.
Around mid morning Truansea will slip her lines here at the marina and head out of the Clarence River for the Southport Seaway. We expect to cross into the Broadwater around mid morning tomorrow on the rising tide after an overnite passage. The forecast is reasonable however the wind will head us most of the way and is expected to be slight around dawn when we cross that imaginary line between NSW and QLD. Sea and swell is forecast to be at least 1-1.5m less than Truansea has become used to swimming in but those early lessons were good for her character and gave her an opportunity to show off her rewarding attributes.
This passage will be the first after all teething problems and some poor work quality issues have been rectified so a dream run is expected. My call to Richard Ward, Seawind CEO today will have a different flavour compared to the last three Sunday chats. I appreciate his attention to the rectification works and hope that he can educate his staff in the importance of attention to detail and thus producing a total quality product every time, after all that is the key to success and keeps them employed long term.
Lyn has returned to Noosa and will miss this passage but will be back aboard in a few days. Bevan in the meantime has acquainted himself with Truansea and will share the watches with me tonight. It was a disappointment to miss the Seawind Moreton Bay Regatta and the opportunity to catch up with and get to know the other local Seawind owners. Hope they had great time.
Fair winds, Brian